Shana McDonald Lawyers
August 2023

When Shana McDonald, a reputable legal professional with a vision for her new Criminal Law Firm in Shepparton, reached out to Mad Web Skills, she had a clear directive in mind – a website that exuded simplicity, elegance and professionalism.

The task at hand was to craft a digital presence that would not only represent the professionalism and trustworthiness of the client, but also provide a seamless platform for potential clients to get in touch.

We recognized the importance of creating a website that was both user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, striking the delicate balance between visual appeal and the seriousness of their practice. To enhance this online experience, we incorporated an email contact form for easy communication and a Google Map pinpointing their office location for accessibility.

Mad Web Skills also provided photography of the landmark Shepparton Law Courts building to infuse the website with a sense of place and purpose. The result? A website that seamlessly combines simplicity, elegance, and professionalism, mirroring the essence of Shana McDonald Lawyers' practice


  • Modern website design with an elegant and responsive mobile-friendly layout.
  • Email contact form.
  • Photography.
  • Secure website hosting to protect submitted client details.
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